It has been way too long since I have really given my web site attention!! I hope to keep it up to date with the latest info and what is coming up!

Artisan dressage highlights of late include;

I gave a very successful test riding clinic where 16 riders came to Peppertree Farms in Poway to ride their 2015 test of choice and work to perfect it! It was great fun and some have requested we do another!I attended both of the new test clinics put on by SD-CDS and CDS, continuing to focus on my continuing education and how I can better prepare my students.

I continue my teaching tours of San Diego County and  have enjoyed having Peppertree Farms as my home away from home as it is a lovely facility and such great people!

This coming week some students are attending Dressage Affaire! I am excited as this is the kick off of the show season for many. My young horse Leo will be attending as the camp mascot.