Wow, way too long since the last update. The day before Thanksgiving, Katie returned from Germany!!! She surprised us by coming home a few weeks early!! She is home to stay (at this point) and is focusing on her college education. She is going to try to find a competition mount to lease or train and is going to be building up her teaching as well. When our young horse ‘Tayo’ is ready she will probably compete him this year.

Between the rain and the holidays not too much horsie has happened. We are enjoying the sunshine and looking at the new tests!!

News tid bits are:

Artisan will debut at third level in February.

Clinics in Ramona have started up again with a fun group, let me know if you are interested! Thanks to Pat Murphy for hosting them.  

Currently I have one opening at my barn for a horse in training or a students horse.

Our school horse Burrito aka Treasure is hard at work teaching many lessons. If you are interested let me know. He is a true treasure!