Aug 30, 2010 | Students & Show Results

Nicole on Carmargue, Elizabeth & Samantha on Lucjan
Great Junior Championship weekend!!!! Nicole and Carmargue are the Champions of their Training Level division and Samantha and Lucjan (Way Too Flashy) are Champions of their Training level division!!!! And Artisan finally decided he had a lot to be proud of and got a 71.9 and 66.2 at Cool Aug. Nights!!! Great show guys!! Go Artisan Dressage!
Aug 24, 2010 | Clinics and Shows, Students & Show Results
So our last show was quite a success!!!!!! Ellie and Garret won the Southern Cal. Adult Amateur Championship in training level!!!!! Samantha came back with 3 blue ribbons. Raquel and Treasure (Burrito) won a class as well, as did Artisan and I!! All in all a GREAT show.
Some have asked for times for his weekend’s S. Cal. Junior Championships. Samantha (Training level 18-21) and Nicole (Training level 14 and under) will be competing this coming weekend (Aug 27-29) at the LA Equestrian Center. I will also be there competing Artisan in ‘Cool August Nights’.
Juniors times can be found at
My times can be found at
Aug 10, 2010 | News and Updates, Students & Show Results
We spent a couple weeks on a wonderful family vacation in Canada and missed having Katie there with us. The barn is back in full swing a week after returning and in full show prep mode. On a sad note, while I was away, our retired barn mascot Meeko was lost to colic. He was a character and we all miss him. I am still processing in my heart the hole he has left in the barn.
Katie has been very busy as well going to shows in Germany almost every weekend. She missed a very good chance for going to the national young horse championships on the young stallion due to a poor elimintion call made by a judge. Very frustrating. Many ask when she is coming home….we will keep you posted. It seems they like our California girl over there! I have my tickets to go see her and ride for the beginning of September!!
Next weekend 4 of us are showing at the SD chapter show in Del Mar. I will post times as soon as I get them. Ellie will be in the RAAC championships at this show!!!
The last wknd of Aug is the S. Cal Junior Championships in LA and Samantha and Nicole have qualified!
Big news in progress!! Nicole (14) is at the Pony Club National Championships and has swept everything so far with scores ranging from 72% to 78%!!!!
Jun 21, 2010 | Students & Show Results
We all survived the weekend! Nicole kept her consistencey with a 65 & 66! Both 2nds! Ellie won her class with a 66! Raquel had an awesome test and got royally ripped off because she wasnt riding talent! Grrrr, such shortsightedness!! And Artisan redeemed himself with a 66. All in all a great wknd!!
Jun 19, 2010 | Students & Show Results
I am so proud of everyone!! Ellie and Garret got a 68%!!!!. Raquel and Burrito got a 62.4% on Raquel’s first ever dressage class!!! And Nicole and Carmoque (can’t spell his name!) got a 66%!!! And Artisan…didn’t like the indoor arena and was naughty which led to a schooling session for the 2nd class. We got a 63% and a …well we won’t go there…but we had submission in the 2nd test. Tomorrow, 7 classes between us!
Apr 11, 2010 | Students & Show Results

The show went really well!!!! Samantha got a 66,64 and 68 winning Jr. High Point for Sunday!! And is qualified for CDS Jr Championships and USDF Regionals! On to 1st level for her! Ellie got 2) 62%’s and is qualified for the Adult Amature Championships! I ended up with 2) 66.9%’s and a 68.6%! He was so good and pleased with himself.
Mar 18, 2010 | Students & Show Results
Samantha and I had a blast at the Dressage Affaire! Our horses grew daily and were such good boys. This was a big event for both of them. Samantha and Lucjan (Way Too Flashy) rode in training level getting a 61,63 and 68! Artisan and I got a 61 and two 63’s. We are looking forward to the next excursion. I will get a couple videos of Dressage Affaire loaded asap.
Katie showed as well in Germany the same weekend! She was on Hot Chocolate “Choco” and had a conservative but honest test recieving a 63% at M level. This weekend she will be showing the young stallion she calls “Fishy” in his first show.
It looks like our next outing will be a trip to Mission Pacific by Moorpark with Artisan, Lucjan and Garrett (Ellie’s horse) in April for a 2 day show. It should be a fun trip.
I brought our boy Santayo home from his month at school and hats off to my friend Reed Branson for doing a steller job giving out little man trust and respect! I reccomend him to anyone wanting to have their baby broke.
I am off to Ramona this weekend for a clinic! Yeah for the weather !!!
Jun 20, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
The Brentina Cup riders rode in the pouring rain and standing water on Thursday morning and ALL classes after that were postponed and the entire show’s schedule was pushed around. The amount of rain was incredible. Katie’s class Friday morning was the first to go and the ring was sloppy. Her ride was honest but Milo was very careful and conservative. His warm up was brilliant but it was obvious once he entered the show arena that he was concerned. He slipped a few times and had a mistake in the 3 tempis. They achieved a 65.4 which puts them in 5th place. She rides again on Sunday and unfortunately there is a lot of rain in the forecast for today. All in all though we are having a great time. His owner, Pam flew in Thursday night and we are having fun with her. Thank you all for your support and thoughts. Elizabeth
Jun 18, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
The FEI Jog took place today and Milo was a star as always! He passed with flying colors and was an angel! He had a walk day today to rest and recharge for the weekend. Tomorrow I will post some pictures of Milo at the jog and where the event is being held. Thanks for all your good thoughts!
Jun 16, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Today was a good day. Milo worked very well and seemed happy to get the show on the road. Many more competitors have shown up and the beautiful grounds are taking on the feel that a show will be starting soon!! We have a small group of California riders and horses in our barn and are realizing that we are very spoiled with the quality of hay we get back home. Unfortunately we packed one bale of our ‘baled gold’ timothy hay. The small bales here are musty and virtually unrecognizable as timothy. We are feverishly working on a healthy alternative.
It is so incredibly green here and the main historic building is amazing. The Grand Prix and I-1 horses get to stable in the main barn. The others are in a large tent barn. The weather has fortunately been mild although pretty rainy. Almost got my trailer stuck! Jessica and I had a fun journey driving across the country after dropping Katie and Milo off with Debbie in LA in Tuesday. We arrived here on Friday evening. Jessica learned how to drive a truck and trailer on the fly at 70!! She showed up the truckers.
Tomorrow is the last day before the show officially gets going. We’ll try to get more pictures up tomorrow!!
Jun 15, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Hello Everyone!
Milo and I arrive in New Jersey safe and sound. He walked right into the crate for the plane like a champ and was just a wonderful boy like always! He is all tucked into his stall safe, happy and quite social!! I will get on him tomorrow and lets hope he feels good!! Here are some pictures from the airport!
Jun 3, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Well everyone we are going to Gladstone, New Jersey!!!! Milo and I recieved our official invitation to attend the USEF Festival of Champions yesterday. We both leave for LA on June, 9 and then we both fly to New Jersey on June 13th. We will be keeping you updated on here and I will be trying to upload videos from there!! Wish us luck!! Thank you all for your support!! Also for those of you that haven’t seen Milo work you can search using ‘Katie Johnson Millenium’