Dressage Affaire Results!!
On the first day, Jackie, her first time doing 3rd 3, got a 67%. and Cherylin on her new mare went in 1st level getting 65 and 66 % winning 2 firsts and a 2nd! And on the second day, Cherylin and Jackie for raked in all high 68%s and BOTH won highpoint in their divisions!!!! Also, congratulations to Christi for her 2 nd level score of 62.9 (approx). 3rd in a big class!
Unfortunately Nicole had to scratch as her mare was sore 🙁
Championship report.
Well Championships were not exactly as planned for me and Artisan….. Upon arrival he was quiet and we had a nice ride around the show ground. Unfortunately the next day proved that he was very body sore and could barely 1/2 pass one way. I attributed this to the fact that on the way up I was nearly run off the road and changed lanes on by a huge semi truck causing me to swerve, hit the brakes then swerve back. My poor boy in the tail end of the rig got the brunt of the whip action. In all the years of hauling this was the closest call. So after massaging and therapy we did show with less than stellar results but by the last ride I pretty much had my horse, albeit a very tired one. We came home with our chins up, checkbook empty and smiles on our faces. He is schooling so well and we are looking forward to our lesson with Shannon next week! Joleen and Montego did a stellar job on the first day of her freestyle Ch class getting 6th place USDF! He was a tired but honest boy for the CDS ride. Pam and Bana had a good show, coming in 10th USDF and 11th CDS. I was proud both of them!
Great News!!!
On the first day of competition at NAJYRC in Kentucky, Katie’s Colorado region won the GOLD Medal for the team competition! Our home region 7 won the SILVER for Young Riders and Junior Young riders! Tomorrow is the individual competition day and we have high hopes for Victoria Fernalld riding Amazing from Katie’s barn in Co. Go Katie and Victoria! (And did I mention how proud I am of the second generation young rider coach?)
On the home front, I am excited to have closed up my show year until Championships qualifying Artisan for 4th level CDS and USDF. He has been the little engine that could going up a level in training while reshaping and rehabing his muscles and showing while doing it! Gotta love a horse with heart.
RAAC is coming up soon and it looks like we will have a good showing with Pam on Urbana, Lena on Harry, Joleen on Solitaire and Karen on Revance! Proud of all of you!
Show info!!!
The show season is underway! After a slow start things are rolling. In San Diego congratulations are due to Joleen for great scores in the high 60’s to 70’s and a high point in Temecula in training level on Solitaire!!! Artisan and I had our first outing in a year going 4th level for the first time getting 2 67%s !!!! His back is healing and happy in his new Trilogy saddle and getting stronger each day!
Last weekend Katie took Caroline (from Colorado) and her Morgan pony mare to the Festival of Champions at Gladstone NJ!! They achieved 3 place… In the nation!!!!
That same weekend I spent 4 days with 3 other girls from Katie’s Colorado barn and took them and 4 horses to a show in Greeley. They did super getting scores from 60% to 68%! They are vying for positions on the region 5 NAJYRC Championships.
This coming weekend 6 (16 &17) is the San Diego Chapter show at Rancho Riding Club. Here are the times if anyone is interested in coming! All info on the show are on the San Diego Chapter web site.
Saturday: 12:00 Elizabeth & Artisan 4th test 3 ring 1; 1:10 Joleen on Montego, freestyle, ring1; 2:26 Pam on Urbana 2nd test1 ring 2; 3:06 Pam on Urbana 2nd test 3, ring 2
Sunday: 1:25 Joleen on Montego freestyle, ring 1; 2:36 Elizabeth on Artisan 4th test2, ring 2
Of course these time may change and my Saturday time may not show up on the preliminary time sheet as we changed it!!!
Show News!!
September is a busy month. We just had the So. California Junior Championships in Del Mar and it was a great weekend! Samantha on Way To Flashy (Lucjan) were Champions of their division, 1st level 18 -21!!!! And Veronica on Ramblin Man (Rambo) had lovely rides in a big division coming in 5th, Training level! We are so proud of these girls who both had a tough year with time off and came back like they did!!!

2011 RAAC and SD Chapter Show results
Samantha and Lucjan (Way Too Flashy)1st level 66% & 63% 1st and 2nd. Pam Schachter on Millenium (Milo) 65% PSG 3rd RAAC. Karen Harper and Revance 69% 1st level RAAC 4th place. Pam Tarrel and Urbana 1st level 59% and should have been higher on a very nice test. Joleen Schultz 59% 4th level RAAC 2nd place. Katie and I had a blast helping all of them!!!! We DO have the nicest group. 🙂
Show info!!
I am back from a fun relaxing trip to Canada on the lake! I realize that I forgot to post the results from the last show in Temecula last month!! Congratualtions to Samantha and Lucjan with a 65% in their 1st level test! And to Joleen and Montego with a 60 and 61% at 4th level!! Good Job ladies.
This weekend, Aug 12 & 13 we are in Del Mar for the Chapter show and RAAC. Here is the rider information for ride times. As they seem to be changing often I will give you the link to them. Here is a list of names of those showing so you can look up the rider you want to see and cheer on!! Hope to see you there.
Congratulations Veronica!
Veronica on Ramlin Man aka Rambo scored a 66.4% and 64% at the June Chapter Show Training level!!
We look forward to seeing them at the Junior Championships in cool Del Mar!
News as of March 17th.
The Creek Hollow Schooling show went great! It was Shane’s and Eleonor’s first show. Shane rode Sly in the new USDF test C which includes just 1/2 – 3/4 of a circle of canter. What a great test. He rode it twice improving his score wonderfully on the 2nd ride getting a 57% and a 62.5! Eleonor rode Burrito “Treasure” training level 1 & 2 getting a 65 and 67%!!! Not bad for an (almost) newly converted western rider! Heather rode Vinny in training level 2 & 3 doing a super job and getting a 63 and 65%! He thought maybe there was another agenda at first but decided it really was a dressage show and looked amazing! And I have to say what a pleasure it was to team up with Katie and have her help giving pointers and read all the riders tests! Great to have my partner back!
Last weekend I helped out a PARA rider who, against all odds, competed in The PARA Olympic qualifier at Dressage Affaire. It was a stessful weekend for her as she was on a loaned horse since she could not get hers here due to a tornado and truck trouble causing them to miss their flight. I went and helped her warm up as well as braiding etc. BUT she did get her qualifying score to go to the next qualifier!!
Faith, our new friend, who has been here for a month or so is heading back to Germany. She expects to be back here soon. Burrito will miss her.
Veronica and Rambo have officially rounded out our barn and have decided to stay here!!
Burrito has a couple openings for lessons now so if you want to work on your seat or have a lesson on a schooled lower level horse, let me know. He really enjoyed his show a couple weeks ago.
I will be in Ramona for a clinic this weekend, the 19th, so if you know anyone interested, spread the word. Pat Murphy’s place is so nice.
Upcoming shows:
*San Juan Capistrano: Nicole, Samantha, Cathy and I will be going to this 1 day show on the 26th. Entries have closed.
Creek Hollow Schooling
Mission Pacific in Somis: April 9-10 This is a fun show with good stabling and cheap hotel! Entries close the 25th but for stabling we should enter early. Right now its Me and Samantha. We may be picking up a horse on the way but if you think you may want to go, Let me know!!! Best to go with a full trailer.
LA Chapter Show (CDS only) is April 22-23 (fri/sat) It is super economical!!!
In May starts some of the closer shows. I’ll keep you posted.
Happy riding!
Happy St. Patty’s Day!!
Whats up…
It has been a busy few weeks for me. Artisan and participated in the San Diego Chapter Axel Steiner ‘New Test’ Clinic riding 2nd level test 2. It was intimidating at first but proved to be a fun finish to our 2nd level year with Artisan showing me his confidence in our schooling! I have once again started lessons with Shannon Peters and am really looking forward to a couple solid months of schooling. Artisan’s little brother, Santayo (Tayo), is growing up (coming 4) and showing great potential and is a kick to ride. We are all looking forward to Katie coming back soon!!!
Ellie RAAC Champion!!!
Ellie, Garret and Elizabeth after winning the CDS Training Level Regional Adult Amateur Championships in Del Mar!!!