Feb 24, 2018 | Clinics and Shows, News and Updates
**** 2 openings have become available for the clinic on Mar 4!! If you would like to ride please PM or email me and let me know!
**** Auditors at Peppertree are welcome, encouraged and free!!!
**** I have decided to postpone the workshop until I can use Artisan. He is needing some time off and I hope to have him back in work soon. I will post as soon as I know.
**** Anyone who was wanting to come to the workshop is welcome to come and meet at the barn anytime so we can get to know each other. PM or email me to make a time!!
Feb 5, 2018 | Clinics and Shows
This week I am going to go to the USDF Trainer’s Conference in Del Mar to add to continuing education! Should be an interesting couple days.
And then off to the SD Chapter show this coming weekend Feb 10-11. Karen and Shane will be riding!!!
Ride Times
Karen’s times are:
2/10/2018 Saturday 2:14 PM 229 Q First – 4th Musical Freestyle Test of Ch
2/11/2018 Sunday 3:34 PM 329 Q First – 4th Musical Freestyle Test of Ch
Shane’s times are:
2/10/2018 Saturday 1:05 PM 205 First 2
2/10/2018 Saturday 1:43 PM 206 First 3
2/11/2018 Sunday 10:47 AM 305 First 2
2/11/2018 Sunday 11:25 AM 306 First 3
Jan 26, 2018 | Clinics and Shows

May 2, 2016 | Clinics and Shows
Upcoming scheduled clinic dates:
May 22 Peppertree Farms, Poway
June 10-12 Albany /Madison, Wisconsin
June 25-26 Twin Falls, Idaho
Contact me if you are interested in riding. Spread the word to others in your area!
I am available to travel to different destinations. Please let me know if you are interested in setting up a clinic!!
Mar 2, 2015 | Clinics and Shows
Here are the times for our riders going to Dressage Affaire! We will be in barn M stalls 20-25.
9:45 ring 1 Cherylin
9:52 ring 1 Nicole
11:37 ring2 Jackie
1:24 ring2 Cherylin
1:38 ring2 Nicole
8:00 ring 2 Cherylin
8:42 ring 1 Cherylin
1:00 ring 2 Jackie
4:03 ring 1 Christi
4:08 ring2 Nicole
Jul 4, 2014 | Clinics and Shows, News and Updates
Clinic given by Elizabeth Johnson, USDF Bronze and Silver Medalist, to help Cheryl Erpelding (of California Riding Magazine ) pay medical costs for her Lymphedema surgery. Auditors welcome!
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Start time 8 am
At Peppertree Farms LLC
15015 Lucidi Farms Way, Poway, California 92064
Riders of all levels welcome! Sign up ASAP!$75 per lesson approx 45–60 min *No trailer in fee, Auditors welcome – donations encouraged (bring our own chair!)
Other Exciting donations include a SILENT AUCTION for Breedings from Stallions from Brass Ring Equine & Animal Communication session from Brigitte Noel, and more!!!
If you want to help Cheryl but cannot come go
to http://www.gofundme.com/8ewey0
—– UPDATE —–
Elizabeth Johnson donated entire clinic day money to help me pay for my upcoming surgery for lymphedema. — with Elizabeth Johnson and Molly Kaster.

Stephanie Bauer riding Teri Walsh’s mare Tango in the Benefit Dressage Clinic with Elizabeth Johnson
Apr 23, 2013 | Clinics and Shows, News and Updates
We are excited to be heading to Del Mar for this show. Ellie, Joleen and I will be showing. Below are our ride times. I hope some of you can come join us! Be sure to send me a text and let me know you are coming or there!
10:04 Ellie 3rd level test 1 Duarte Arena
11:27 Elizabeth Prix St Georges San Diego Arena
4:10 Ellie 3rd 3 Duarte Arena
8:45 Elizabeth PSG San Diego Arena
4:16 Joleen PSG San Diego Arena
4:24 Ellie 3rd-3 Duarte Arena
3:20 Joleen Freestyle Del Mar Arena
Oct 1, 2012 | Clinics and Shows
A big week as Pam, Joleen and I prepare to go to the LA Equestrian Center for the CDS state and USDF western regional championships. I am proud of both of them and their achievement in qualifying, Pam at 2nd level and Joleen at 4th level freestyle. And I am especially proud of my ‘little man’, Artisan with his qualification 4th level. He had a very rough start this year and really rallied to to make it to this show.
I will try to keep updated here!
Aug 30, 2012 | Clinics and Shows
This coming weekend (Sept 1-2) is RAAC (Regional Adult Amateur Championship) being held in Temecula at Galway Downs. Come support and cheer on our riders. Warm up classes are on Saturday and championship classes are on Sunday.
Our riders are:
Joleen Schultz / Solitaire Diamond
Lena Volland /UR Best Move
Karen Harper / Revance
Pam Tarrel / Urbana
The schedule is:
Saturday 11:49 & 12:36 Joleen, 3:05 Lena, 5:43 Pam
Sunday: 10:40 Joleen, 11:36 Karen, 12:16 Pam, 2:54 Lena
Jun 14, 2012 | Clinics and Shows, News and Updates, Students & Show Results
The show season is underway! After a slow start things are rolling. In San Diego congratulations are due to Joleen for great scores in the high 60’s to 70’s and a high point in Temecula in training level on Solitaire!!! Artisan and I had our first outing in a year going 4th level for the first time getting 2 67%s !!!! His back is healing and happy in his new Trilogy saddle and getting stronger each day!
Last weekend Katie took Caroline (from Colorado) and her Morgan pony mare to the Festival of Champions at Gladstone NJ!! They achieved 3 place… In the nation!!!!
That same weekend I spent 4 days with 3 other girls from Katie’s Colorado barn and took them and 4 horses to a show in Greeley. They did super getting scores from 60% to 68%! They are vying for positions on the region 5 NAJYRC Championships.
This coming weekend 6 (16 &17) is the San Diego Chapter show at Rancho Riding Club. Here are the times if anyone is interested in coming! All info on the show are on the San Diego Chapter web site.
Saturday: 12:00 Elizabeth & Artisan 4th test 3 ring 1; 1:10 Joleen on Montego, freestyle, ring1; 2:26 Pam on Urbana 2nd test1 ring 2; 3:06 Pam on Urbana 2nd test 3, ring 2
Sunday: 1:25 Joleen on Montego freestyle, ring 1; 2:36 Elizabeth on Artisan 4th test2, ring 2
Of course these time may change and my Saturday time may not show up on the preliminary time sheet as we changed it!!!
Mar 21, 2012 | Clinics and Shows, News and Updates
It has been busy seeming like the Holidays just plowed right into spring! (almost). We have had relocations, additions and a little reconstruction of business.
KATIE HAS RELOCATED TO COLORADO! She has expanded Artisan Dressage to Greenwood Village just outside of Denver. She moved in early Feb. Her job is at a private barn and she is having the opportunity to share her young rider knowledge with 5 young aspiring riders!!!! I am excited to go there and visit!
NEW BABY!!! On March 6th Ellie’s mare Cappy gave birth to an adorable filly, Feline, by Freestyle. After 2 weeks of sleeping in the barn with a VERY fussy mare she had a quiet birth we were able to witness.
CLINICS: I have taken over Katie’s clinics in Los Angeles area (Palos Verdes Penn and Long Beach). Next one April 1st What a nice group of people and horses. I also continue to go to Ramona as well, next one is April 21st. Please contact me if you are interested in riding.
Mar 24, 4 riders from the LA area are competing in Somis and I will accompany them, as coach only. GOOD LUCK Pam, Lena, Karen and Lisa. 🙂
In San Diego we are hoping to participate in the Creek Hollow CDS show on April 7th, Temecula April 14 & 15 and Del Mar National April 26.
Aug 12, 2011 | Clinics and Shows, Students & Show Results
I am back from a fun relaxing trip to Canada on the lake! I realize that I forgot to post the results from the last show in Temecula last month!! Congratualtions to Samantha and Lucjan with a 65% in their 1st level test! And to Joleen and Montego with a 60 and 61% at 4th level!! Good Job ladies.
This weekend, Aug 12 & 13 we are in Del Mar for the Chapter show and RAAC. Here is the rider information for ride times. As they seem to be changing often I will give you the link to them. Here is a list of names of those showing so you can look up the rider you want to see and cheer on!! Hope to see you there.
Samantha Hoffman on Lucjan
Nicole Marshall on Carmoque
Pam Tarrel on Urbana
Joleen Schultz on Montego
Karen Harper on Revance
Pam Schachter on Millenium