Jun 16, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Today was a good day. Milo worked very well and seemed happy to get the show on the road. Many more competitors have shown up and the beautiful grounds are taking on the feel that a show will be starting soon!! We have a small group of California riders and horses in our barn and are realizing that we are very spoiled with the quality of hay we get back home. Unfortunately we packed one bale of our ‘baled gold’ timothy hay. The small bales here are musty and virtually unrecognizable as timothy. We are feverishly working on a healthy alternative.
It is so incredibly green here and the main historic building is amazing. The Grand Prix and I-1 horses get to stable in the main barn. The others are in a large tent barn. The weather has fortunately been mild although pretty rainy. Almost got my trailer stuck! Jessica and I had a fun journey driving across the country after dropping Katie and Milo off with Debbie in LA in Tuesday. We arrived here on Friday evening. Jessica learned how to drive a truck and trailer on the fly at 70!! She showed up the truckers.
Tomorrow is the last day before the show officially gets going. We’ll try to get more pictures up tomorrow!!
Jun 15, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Hello Everyone!
Milo and I arrive in New Jersey safe and sound. He walked right into the crate for the plane like a champ and was just a wonderful boy like always! He is all tucked into his stall safe, happy and quite social!! I will get on him tomorrow and lets hope he feels good!! Here are some pictures from the airport!
Jun 3, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Well everyone we are going to Gladstone, New Jersey!!!! Milo and I recieved our official invitation to attend the USEF Festival of Champions yesterday. We both leave for LA on June, 9 and then we both fly to New Jersey on June 13th. We will be keeping you updated on here and I will be trying to upload videos from there!! Wish us luck!! Thank you all for your support!! http://www.usef.org/contentPage2.aspx?id=dressagefestival Also for those of you that haven’t seen Milo work you can search www.youtube.com using ‘Katie Johnson Millenium’
May 8, 2009 | Young Riders
Click to see the original sponsor letter
Hello Everyone,
As the time for the USEF Festival of Champions is closing Milo and I are so excited to be going to this prestigious event! We will be in the best competative company that I could ever hope for at this time in my career. Please keep checking back for updates and hopfully videos!! The funds for the trip are coming together thanks to so many very generous people…….
- Pam S. for everything that you have done and continue to do!!
- Mike S. & the team at “Rapid Transmissons” for the use of your wonderful truck! http://www.rapidtransmissions.net/
- Some selected extended family members
- Lisa and John Seger, “Seger Insurance & Equine Products, Inc.” www.sporthorseinsurance.com
- Robin Quasenbarth and Gary Vella, “On Q Hanoverians” www.onQhanoverians.com
- Nancy Reed, “Nancy Reed Horses” www.nancyreedhorses.com
- Christina Melhouse, Esq., “Ligget, Davis, Pagnini & Melhouse” www.ldplaw.com
- Aubrey and Raffy Dorian,“Moblie Veterinary Practice”
- Lady G.

- Linda M.
- Diane G.
- Joe G.
- Sharon and Kieran G.
- Gladys W. and Simon K.
May 6, 2009 | Katie Archives
Katie needs funding to transport Millenium to Gladstone New Jersey. She is in a qualifying position to take part in the 2009 USEF Festival of Champions which invites the top 12 riders in the country, at their level to compete in this prestigeous event. Unfortunately the cost to fly him there is very high. She is seeking sponsors to help defer the cost. Ground transport that far would be very taxing in the heat for so many days. Please see the sponsorship link to read the letter she is sending out in hopes of raising the funds for travel.
May 6, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
Del Mar was a success with Katie and Milo coming away with a 65.1 average to be applied toward her championship standings. We had a lot of fun up there and were sad to have to say good bye to Debbie and the crew. Katie followed them back to LA, got them packed and off to Idaho in the following couple days. MIlo came home with me and now Katie too it here for a while. We plan on going to another qualifying show, which is why she stayed in Ca. I am not complaining, I am enjoying them both!
Just prior to Del Mar I had the opportunity to go back up and have 2 more lessons with Debbie! What a treat!! This weekend I am teaching a clinic in Ramona. Its not too late to join in! Then Sunday I am taking Artisan out for his first show in ages at Creek Hollow. It should be fun!
Feb 3, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
So not only was the show a success but we just found out that Katie and Milo won the high point for their division!!
Jan 27, 2009 | Katie Archives, Students & Show Results
At the show last weekend at the LA Equestrian Center Katie got to test out her progress in training! She achieved a 68.9 % at Prix St Georges and he was ready go on Sunday to get a 70.2 % in the young rider test! I went along in grooms capacity, which felt odd. It is always a treat to listen to Debbie coach and teach!
Jan 2, 2009 | Katie Archives
Sometime late next week River Grove Farm will move their operation to the LA area to enjoy the warmer climate and participate in the CDI show season. It looks like Katie will be staying on as a groom in LA and will be competing Milo in hopes of qualifying for Young Rider’s again. To say her time in Idaho has been great is putting it mildly. She has worked hard giving the horses the special attention that they are accustomed to; daily grooming, walking, feeding and various forms of therapeutic care. Selfishly, from a mom’s perspective, I am looking forward to having her close. The trainer in me is hungry to be able to go learn more! So on to 2009!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
Nov 18, 2008 | Horses, Katie Archives
Oct 2, 2008 | Katie Archives
Sept. 24, 2008- I just got back to El Cajon yesterday from delivering Katie and Milo to River Grove. She has been incredibly busy, hence no message from her. I am sure she will get to it soon. Our trip went smoothly, Milo settled in well and Katie is in heaven! Elizabeth
Oct 3, 2008- Hello Everyone,
Well Milo and I arrived in beautiful Hailey, Idaho at River Grove Farm on Friday September19th. He has settled in nicely and has a great stall with a large run attached to the back. I have worked everyday since we arrived so I haven’t had much free time hence the delay in the updates. I am still getting settled in to my new house with my roommate.
I am figuring out a routine at work. My daily chores consist of taking care of 4 horses. That may not sound like a lot but each day the horses need to be groomed, tack up and un-tacked, put on the euro-walker twice for 45 minutes each time, turned out in the grass pasture, fed grain and wrapped. So my days stay really busy. I get two days off and I get to ride Tuesday thru Friday.
The facility here is state of the art and immaculately groomed. Milo and I both think we have died and gone to heaven. He gets to go on the Euro-Walker, which is like a hot walker that the horses are loose in, for 45 minutes twice a day. Then he gets an hour or more out in the grass pastures and at some point during the day he gets worked in one of the three different arenas and taken for a trail ride on the over 2 miles of groomed trails. He is pretty much living the good life! The weather has been perfect…chilly in the morning and then sunny and about 75 during the day.
I will try and put some pictures up soon. Hope everyone is doing well at home and enjoying fall. Feel free to email me to keep me company!! I miss everyone at home and all my four legged friends!
Talk to you soon,
Katie & Milo
OK so the kid was so busy riding working and getting to know the area that we barely heard from her on the site !!! They are in LA area now for the show season! Maybe we can get her to say more!!
Sep 16, 2008 | Katie Archives, News and Updates
This week Katie, Milo and Elizabeth are leaving to drive to River Grove Farm in Hailey Idaho so Katie can work and train with Debbie McDonald. She will be sending Elizabeth regular training updates via video. All of the family, students and critters will miss her terribly while she is gone but we are excited at the prospect of all the great training!!