On the first day of competition at NAJYRC in Kentucky, Katie’s Colorado region won the GOLD Medal for the team competition! Our home region 7 won the SILVER for Young Riders and Junior Young riders! Tomorrow is the individual competition day and we have high hopes for Victoria Fernalld riding Amazing from Katie’s barn in Co. Go Katie and Victoria! (And did I mention how proud I am of the second generation young rider coach?)
On the home front, I am excited to have closed up my show year until Championships qualifying Artisan for 4th level CDS and USDF. He has been the little engine that could going up a level in training while reshaping and rehabing his muscles and showing while doing it! Gotta love a horse with heart.
RAAC is coming up soon and it looks like we will have a good showing with Pam on Urbana, Lena on Harry, Joleen on Solitaire and Karen on Revance! Proud of all of you!